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At Koda, we are committed to creating a sustainable environment every single day, not just on Earth Day.

That's why we've partnered with the EPA and Energy Star in their goal to save $1.5 billion dollars in annual energy bills and prevent 17 billion pounds of annual greenhouse gas emissions this year. We want to help not only spread awareness that you can use lighting to create a better and more sustainable tomorrow, but also help you make the switch to LED, Energy Star certified lighting.


KODA Advantage


Our integrated LED and LED bulbs put out high brightness while using low wattage.


Our products carry multiple certifications and go through extensive QA.


Some products carry guarentees up to 50,000+ hours of use. That's over 45 years!

Quality Components

We don't go cheap on components becuse we want our products to outlast you.

*Total savings based on current electrical costs for the state of California and use of each light for 2 hours a day. Energy saved is based on switching from traditional incandescent bulb products to our LED, Energy Certified products.